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"I am obsessed with color.

The boldness, the nuance, the subtlety, and the complexity of color inspires me to pull out the same attributes in myself as an artist. My inspiration begins with a color, or two. And then? Action. Brush strokes are relaxed and untethered. Broad movement is challenged by detailed texture. There is tension. Discomfort. And the discomfort is what keeps me coming back to the canvas time and time again."


When Julia was in first grade, she colored a picture of a bunch of grapes with a royal purple crayon. She chose to color outside the lines because she wanted the grapes to be juicy. Her teacher was disappointed with her picture, saying that she didn’t complete the assignment correctly because she had colored outside the lines.


In that moment, Julia despised having her vision stifled, and was proud of expressing her creativity.

Julia started taking drawing and painting lessons soon after, and her flame for art became a bonfire. She doodled constantly, painted large scale vintage magazine backdrops for her high school prom, displayed art wherever she could and stained many a carpet in her parents’ homes until she went to college. Julia studied Art History and Painting at Texas Christian University before dropping out. She's had many jobs and one career since leaving school, but has never lost the passion for color and expression.


The majority of her paintings start simply with a color scheme and evolve from there. She's usually not sure what she’s going to paint until she’s completed the piece, but the unknown is what inspires her as an artist.


Julia resides in North Dallas with her dogs, Doc Holliday and Lady. When she's not painting, she's watching a documentary about a murder, scam, cult or con.

Artist and client holding abstract painting
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